Smart science to improve lives™

Non-financial performance and reports

We consider our non-financial metrics to be as important as our financial. The Croda Executive Committee reviews our non-financial key performance indicators every quarter and our Board of Directors conduct a full review process during the year to assess progress against our Commitment.


We are passionate about sustainability. To show our continuing commitment, each year we issue Sustainability and Annual Reports along with a non-financial data performance summary. We also complete a GRI Report and TCFD disclosures. We aligned with the SASB process safety metric for our 2021 reporting and moved to SASB reporting in 2022.

Our Sustainability Report documents our sustainability journey and its impact on our business, customers and the wider world. It demonstrates our progress towards becoming Climate, Land and People Positive and our ambition to be the most sustainable supplier of innovative ingredients. 

Our non-financial data performance summary gives numerical data to track our progress against 2030 targets and interim milestones

We also complete a Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Report against the standardised disclosures required. This reports on critical issues including climate change, human rights, governance and social wellbeing.


Sustainability Impact Report

Find our 2023 Sustainability Impact Report here

Limited Assurance Opinion 2023

Reporting Criteria 2023

Reasonable Verification Statement for GHG emissions 2018 - 2022

Explore more

sustainable scientist analysing crops

Ratings and frameworks

View our ratings and frameworks which help to shape our sustainability programme.

Policies and procedures

We operate a range of policies covering all area of our Business to uphold the principles of socially responsible business practices.
Castor plant for crodas sustainability targets

Our targets

We are developing our sustainability strategy to 2030, ensuring our alignment to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Awards and certifications

Many aspects of our sustainability commitment have been recognised externally, and we actively seek certification in key areas of our operations.
sustainable clouds and trees

Our Commitment

We will be the most sustainable supplier of innovative ingredients, our action plan for the decade is to be Climate, Land and People Positive by 2030.


Responsible and ethical behaviour is fundamental to the way we operate at Croda.