Smart science to improve lives™

Materiality assessment

In 2021, a Group materiality assessment allowed us to fine-tune our understanding of the sustainability issues and opportunities most material to our key stakeholder groups, and therefore most strategic for our business. Recurring themes from this included: transparency and traceability across the entire value chain; increasing regulations and reporting obligations; biodegradability and waste management; more proactive engagement; and wider collaboration to understand and address the interconnected nature of issues. 

This exercise confirmed that our 2030 strategy and objectives resonate strongly with our stakeholders’ vision. The overwhelming message was a clear recognition of the progress we have made on sustainability, our solid disclosures, and commitment to transparency.

Materiality assessment

Croda 2022 non-financial data pack



Sustainability spans every area of our business and is a crucial way we add value to our customers.
Sustainable Trees in a forest

Our approach

Sustainability means doing business the right way, adapting and challenging ourselves to meet business needs, today and in the future.