A century of innovation and delivery
Since we were founded in 1925, we have continued to innovate, developing unique ingredients that add value to everyday life. While the business has transformed many times over the past 100 years, with our operations and market exposures evolving, several core principles have remained unchanged and continue to underpin our business. These include innovating as a means to creating new markets, a commitment to sustainability, and strong customer-focus with our own sales teams engaging directly with customers.
2024 Annual Report
ESEF XBRL Annual Report 2024

Chair's Statement
Danuta Gray
The Board and shareholders are aligned that the Company’s priorities should be execution and operational delivery to grow earnings and improve returns on invested capital. Read Danuta Gray's reflection on her first year as Chair.

Chief Executive Statement
Steve Foots
We are focused on delivery and modernisation, ensuring rigorous cost discipline and driving operational efficiencies to continue our long record of strong performance. Read Steve Foots' statement.
Celebrating 100 years of smart science
Looking ahead to the next century of innovation
Croda’s 100-year milestone is a celebration of how far we have come over the past century, what we have achieved and the impact we have had. But Croda’s growth during this century of success has been grounded in our ability to look forwards – to recognise the emerging trends that are shaping our core markets, and to think innovatively about how to embrace them. So, during this centenary year, it is as important to take stock of where we are and where we are headed, as it is to recognise where we came from.The coming 25 years are set to see significant shifts in consumer care, pharmaceuticals, and agriculture – the main markets that we serve. Driven by the rise of artificial intelligence, the demand for sustainable ingredients and advances in biologics and biotechnology, the specialty chemicals industry will undergo a transformation that will fundamentally alter how we develop, manufacture and supply chemical ingredients. We are clear about our role in that transformation and recognise that it will require us to embrace innovation and collaboration more than ever before, adapting our thinking, cultures and approaches.
Our outstanding people will continue to drive the positive impact we have. The successes of the past, the progress being made in the present, and our potential for the future, all stem from the incredible intellect, passion and dedication of individuals who have made this company what it is today and who will determine its future.
Reporting Datapack 2024

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