Sederma Awarded 25 Years of Innovation Award

This 25th edition of in-cosmetics will be a memorable one for Sederma. Matrixyl was awarded the 25 Years of Innovation Award which recognises the product that has had the greatest impact on the Personal Care ingredients market in the last quarter-century.

Launched in 2000, Matrixyl was the first peptide used for Personal Care applications. It has been considered as a breakthrough in the Cosmetic industry as voted for by over a thousand show visitors and a panel of industry experts.

"Matrixyl is born from the capacity of Sederma teams to innovate and develop effective products that answer customer’s needs for years” said Olga Gracioso, Sederma Marketing Director, who received the award. “Matrixyl is not only a product, it is now a brand with a range of several active ingredients. So I am very happy with this prize that recognises the efforts of our teams in making Matrixyl become such a sustainable success story!”

This award reveals the innovative capacities Sederma offers to the Personal Care industry through pioneering technologies, like Plant Cell Culture, and advanced claim substantiation.

Lastly, Olga Gracioso stated that “We also owe this success to the consumers who value Matrixyl efficacy and praise for it. Many brands now claim Matrixyl Inside on their packaging which is a guarantee for efficacy.”