Net zero roadmap for UK manufacturing site

We became one of the first UK manufacturing sites to develop a 2050 net zero roadmap as part of the UK Government’s Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy ‘Industry of the Future’ programme, the findings of which fully align to our existing site roadmap developed internally to reduce carbon emissions by 50% by 2030.

Our Rawcliffe Bridge manufacturing site in the 90s

In 2021 we were selected to take part in the study and partnered with engineering firm Atkins to develop a net zero roadmap to 2050 for our Rawcliffe Bridge site. The roadmap compares a baseline scenario, where carbon emissions continue rising in line with increases in production volumes, to alternative scenarios for meeting decarbonisation targets of a 90% reduction by 2050. The roadmaps considered electrification of various high temperature processes and the best technology choices to achieve this. They also considered substitution options to replace natural gas for the site’s heating requirements. The opex and capex costs of switching to blue or green hydrogen were compared to full electrification using UK Treasury ‘Green Book’ cost data projections. This is the first time the costs for reaching net zero have been calculated for these scenarios.

Case studies


ASD Kaleka Mosaik Initiative Impact Fund

We are contributing to the first Impact Fund of ASD, developed in partnership with Tides Foundation.
Croda India offices.

Improving performance by humanising safety

Involvement and engagement have increased, and longstanding infrastructure and operational issues are being addressed following a pilot Human Performance Programme at our site in Thane, India.