Externally validated avoided emissions
In 2021 we identified five new case studies where emissions were avoided, including a new product launched in 2021. The emissions savings of this new product were revealed during its sustainability assessment, part of the new way of working for our innovation teams to support our Commitment.

The four other products were identified by our Carbon Cover working group, set up in 2021 to drive the discovery of new case studies and identify avoided emissions for larger product and application areas. The group assessed around 80% of our product portfolio for potential carbon savings in use, which led to our first multiproduct, multi-application assessment, encompassing all products sold by our Crop Protection, Plant Impact and Incotec businesses.
Our total avoided emissions in 2021 linked to the sales of ingredients from these case studies, and our product case studies validated in 2020 and 2019, is 951,000 tonnes CO2e. This leads to a carbon cover ratio of 0.8:1. All case studies were aligned with our existing methodology for quantifying and reporting avoided emissions, as externally validated by Avieco.