Coltide Radiance sustainability in use
Given the verified downstream benefits of Coltide Radiance – prolonging the lifetime of garments and reducing clothes waste by 10%, 13.45 million m3 water savings and 44,200 tonnes of CO2 emissions avoided in 2020 – we wanted to understand the net environmental footprint of this biopolymer and get a better appreciation of its entire sustainability credentials.

Given the verified downstream benefits of Coltide Radiance – prolonging the lifetime of garments and reducing clothes waste by 10%, 13.45 million m3 water savings and 44,200 tonnes of CO2 emissions avoided in 2020 – we wanted to understand the net environmental footprint of this biopolymer and get a better appreciation of its entire sustainability credentials. The LCA revealed a very low environmental burden associated with the manufacturing stage of Coltide Radiance, the biggest impacts being concentrated around the product in use stage (laundry washing). The climate change and water use impacts for each 1kg of clothes washed are proved to be lower when using fabric conditioners containing Coltide Radiance than those without. This study highlighted an opportunity to collaborate with customers on pursuing environmental savings in the product in use stage, as this action, even if at the expense of higher manufacturing burdens, will yield a more sustainable result overall.