Sustainability targets
In 2018, our Executive Committee worked with the Cambridge Institute of Sustainability Leadership (CISL) to develop our sustainability strategy to 2030, ensuring alignment to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
As part of our Commitment to being Climate, Land and People Positive we have developed targets linked to the UN SDGs. These stretching targets are driving our current and future sustainability programme.
Sustainability goals and targets
Climate Positive by 2030
Climate impact report 23
Objectives | Targets | Milestones | 2022 Progress |
Reducing Emissions: We will achieve our Science-Based Targets (SBTs) by reducing our emissions in line with limiting the global temperature rise to 1.5ºC above pre-industrial levels, maximising the use of renewable energy in our operations. SDGs: 7.2, 9.4. 13.2 |
By 2030, we will have achieved our SBTs, in line with limiting global warming to 1.5ºC. Thereafter, by 2050 we will be a net zero organisation. |
A reduction of 25% in 2018 absolute scope 1 and 2 emissions by the end of 2024. All Croda locations to have a decarbonisation roadmap by the end of 2022. |
Absolute scope 1 and 2 emissions have reduced
by 19.8% since 2018. Every Croda location, including non-manufacturing sites, has completed decarbonisation roadmaps demonstrating how they can achieve a 50% reduction in scope 1 and 2 emissions by the end of 2029. |
Carbon Cover: We will enable the transition to a low carbon economy. We will be Climate Positive, working closely with our customers to develop products that offer carbon-saving benefits in use. SDGs: 7.2, 7.3, 23.2 |
By 2030, use of our products will avoid four times the carbon emissions associated with our business - our 4:1 carbon cover. |
Two million tonnes of CO2 emissions savings delivered through use of our products by the end of 2024. 100% of our product portfolio evaluated for downstream scope 3 impact by the end of 2024. |
687,926 tonnes CO2e were avoided through the use
of ingredients attached to verified case studies giving
a carbon cover ratio of 0.66 (2021: 0.4). |
Sustainable Innovation: We will accelerate the transition to bio-based products, moving away from fossil/petrochemical feedstocks. SDGs: 12.2 |
By 2030, more than 75% of our organic raw materials by weight will be bio-based, absorbing carbon from the atmosphere as they grow. |
71% (rolling three-year average) of our organic raw materials to be bio-based by the end of 2024. |
Our use of bio-based organic raw materials increased
by two percentage points from 57% to 59.4%. |
Land Positive by 2030
Land impact report 23
Objectives | Targets | Milestones | 2022 Progress |
Land use: We will save more land than we use. We will increase agricultural land use efficiency, protect biodiversity and improve food security by sourcing sustainably and inspiring innovation in our agrochemical businesses. SDGs: 2.3, 2.4, 12.2, 15.2, 15.3 |
Throughout this decade, the land saved through the application of our crop protection and seed technologies will exceed any increase in land used to grow our raw materials by at least a factor of two, and by 2030 we will save 200,000 hectares per year more than in 2019. |
By the end of 2024, the land area saved through use of our technologies will be at least 80,000 hectares per year more than in 2019. |
We saved 53,486 hectares per year more than our
2019 baseline year and remain on track to achieve
our 2024 milestone and 2030 target. Land used to grow our raw materials in 2022 was 55,692 hectares. |
Crop Science Innovation: We will invest in innovation projects and partnerships to support crop and seed enhancement in mitigating the impact of a changing climate and land degradation. SDGs: 13.2, 15.2, 15.3 |
Through to 2030 we will bring an average of two crop technological breakthroughs to market each year that are aligned with our SBTs and which help our customers to mitigate the impact of climate change and land degradation. |
By the end of 2024, we will have brought 10 qualifying technological breakthroughs to market. |
We define a technological breakthrough as a new
technology with a measurable significant effect
and either a more sustainable route to an existing
performance effect, or a new performance effect
from an existing technology platform that is in line
with our SDG goals. |
People Positive by 2030
People impact report 23
Objectives | Targets | Milestones | 2021 Progress |
Health & Wellbeing: We will use our smart science to promote healthy lives and wellbeing through the development and application of our ingredients and technologies. SDGs: 3.3, 3.4 |
By 2030, we will contribute to the successful development and commercialisation of 25% of WHO-listed pipeline vaccines. |
By the end of 2024 our technology will be part of at least 10 clinical phase III trials across at least 25% of the WHO-listed pipeline vaccines. |
Developed a more detailed understanding of the projects in which our technologies are being used to develop WHO-listed pipeline vaccines. Croda technology at various stages of evaluation in 15 out of the 24 pipeline vaccines, across 79 projects (2020: 32 projects) First novel sunscreen ingredients launched from Entekno partnership 55 million people protected annually through the use of Croda sun protection ingredients |
Gender Balance: We will achieve gender balance in our business by focusing on recruitment and development opportunities to increase the number of women in leadership positions. SDGs: 5.6 |
By 2030, we will achieve gender balance across the leadership roles in our organisation. |
We are rolling out gender-balanced shortlisting recruitment across Croda, with a target of having 80% of shortlists gender balanced by the end of 2023. |
Further progress made in reaching our gender balance target with 36% of leadership roles now occupied by women (2020: 31%) Gender balance target incorporated for the first time in our long-term incentive plan for the most senior leaders (PSP) |
Improving More Lives: We will promote our smart science and help improve more lives using our technologies within relevant communities, where our science can make a positive difference. We aim to create STEM educational opportunities and provide basic necessities through the use and application of our ingredients. SDGs: All |
We will establish and fund a Croda Foundation to help improve one million lives in relevant communities. |
Intermediate milestones for the Croda Foundation to be set. | First three projects approved for funding by the Croda Foundation Board of Trustees 2m additional restricted grant provided from Croda to the Foundation, to be invested in improving health infrastructure in regions with the greatest need. Charity of the Year competition launched, and the British Heart Foundation became the first recipient of the £25,000 prize |
Fundamentals by 2030
Performance table 23
Objectives | Targets | Milestones | 2022 Progress |
Health, Safety & Wellbeing: SDGs: 3.4, 3.9, 8.8 |
OSHA Total Recordable Injury Rate in the top 10% for the chemical industry. |
Achieve OSHA Total Recordable Injury Rate of 0.3 by the end of 2024. |
Full Year OSHA Total Recordable Injury Rate* 0.74 (2021: 0.76 restated). The underlying TRIR* which excludes sites acquired less than 3 years ago is 0.63 (2021: 0.72). Human Performance programme fully rolled out to 6 sites, with resources being allocated to enable a full rollout in the next two years. Our 2022 survey result, inclusive of PTIC, was 54.4% positive response for the wellbeing areas. This is a 7.6 percentage point decrease from our 2020 baseline survey (62% positive response). The survey will be run again in the first half of 2023. |
Process Safety: SDGs: 3.9, 8.8 |
Zero significant process safety incidents per year. |
Conduct an independent peer review of our Process Risk Reviews (PRR) for high-hazard processes by the end of 2023. |
22 (out of 31) PRRs have been peer reviewed. (excludes 7/9 PTIC PRRs
peer reviewed prior to divestment). |
Environmental Stewardship: SDGs: 6.3, 6.4, 12.5 |
Reduce our water use impact by 50% from our 2018 baseline. |
Develop and implement a methodology for water impact assessment by the end of 2021 Reduce our water use impact by 25% from 2018 baseline by the end of 2024. Eliminate process waste to landfill across our operations by the end of 2024. |
Water use decreased by 29% vs 2018 reference. Half way through setting
a baseline water impact score for the 7 sites in water stressed zones,
which will form the basis of improvement roadmaps. 17% reduction in process waste to landfill vs 2018 baseline. |
Fair Income: SDGs: 8.5 |
Everyone working at Croda locations, including temporary and permanent employees, and all contractors will receive a living wage that is monitored and reviewed annually. |
All employees temporary and permanent will be paid a living wage by the end of 2022. All regularly employed contractors will be paid a living wage by end of 2024. |
We reviewed our Living Wage levels in 2022 and made any adjustments
necessary in order to continue paying a Living Wage to all employees as per
Living Wage comparators provided by the Fair Wage Network. We are now
working with the Fair Wage Network to gain accreditation for our work and
to ensure our progress stands up to external scrutiny. In 2022 we also began the process of ensuring all our regular contractors are paid a living wage, with each region putting together a plan to ensure we achieve this milestone by the end of 2023. |
Sustainable Sourcing and Partnerships: SDGs: 12.6, 12.7, 17 |
Ensure all key suppliers are responding to EcoVadis and engaging with us to improve practices. |
By the end of 2024, all key suppliers will be required to achieve a minimum of the average score from EcoVadis (or equivalent) or will have an action plan with timelines to close gaps. By the end of 2024, key suppliers representing at least 50% of our raw material volumes will be required to sign up publicly to SBTi or equivalent carbon reduction targets. By the end of 2024, suppliers of crop-based raw materials will be required to provide supply chain transparency in a fully traceable and certified sustainable manner. |
Key suppliers representing 81% of targeted spend have been
evaluated using EcoVadis and corrective actions have been
assigned and prioritised. |
Knowledge Management: SDGs: 4.3 |
Target to be finalised |
100% of employees will receive a minimum of one week’s training per year by the end of 2025. |
28.8% of employees globally have completed a week’s worth (32 hours)
of training in 2022. |
Quality Assurance: SDGs: 12.2, 12.5 |
Achieve a 99.5% Right First Time (RFT) rate. |
Achieve a 99.0% RFT rate by the end of 2024. |
Ended 2022 with a RFT rate of 98.3%. (98.2% 2021 rebaselined). |
Product Stewardship: SDGs: 3.9, 12.2, 14.1 |
Full life cycle assessments (LCAs) for our top 100 ingredients. |
Finalise our LCA methodology with external input and verification by the end of 2021. Complete 40 LCAs by the end of 2024. |
5 LCAs were completed by end 2022. |
Responsible Business: SDGs: All |
Achieve outstanding CSR performance ratings across all themes within the EcoVadis assessment. |
Achieve an EcoVadis score of at least 85 by end 2023. |
Achieved an EcoVadis score of 75 in 2022. |